Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas Eve GingerPeople

yes. tonight michelle and i made gingerbread people, men and women, children and donkeys, cats and sheep, yup and i even made a baby jesus. i ate him. he was yum.

i kinda combined two recipes.

it's weird but i'm starting to not like chocolate as much as i always have. i got my favorite icecream and found out it's not my favorite anymore. hmm. i was pretty surprised, it's been my fav for so long.

well here is a visual for ya'll. we made more than this but, here is our ginger-family. especially made thinking of our other roomie Amanda who is not with us but with her very tall family. notice that the ginger-husband is ginger shorter than the ginger wife :) hah. i love you amanda, and there IS a man out there taller than you! i'm gonna find him!

he may be shorter but he's so muscle-ly. we didn't forget the kitty too, see? 4 chillen. 2 boys, 2 girls. your dream family, with little Ella jr.

Merry Christmas

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